Emergency Notice:
click here to view all current emergency notices from the City of Needville, including upcoming lane shifts starting Monday, March 17 and Tuesday, March 18.
City Services
City Utilities
For information about City Services and Utilities:
Contact Iris Walker at (979) 793-4253 or by email at iriswalker@cityofneedville.com Monday - Friday, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Below are important dates and information about your utilities:
Utility bills are due on the 10th of each month.
There is a 10% late fee after the 10th. Even if the 10th is a weekend, the water bills are still due and must be in the office BEFORE 9AM on the next Business day.
There is a drop box in the front of the building and you do have the option to pay online.
The utility bill cutoff date is the 20th of each month.
Delinquent accounts listed on the cutoff list will be charged $50.00 whether cutoff or not.
Payments after the 20th can be paid at city hall or online.
When paying online, you MUST click other and enter the FULL amount you owe before services will be turned back on.
Utility Applications
New Utility Setup
Utility Service Changes
Utility Disconnect
Utility Rates
Water & Sewer
City Services