
Municipal Court

Driving Safety Course (DSC)

If you are charged with a moving motor vehicle violation, you may request to take a Driving Safety Course (DSC) to keep the violation off your driving record. You must make your request on or before the appearance date indicated on your citation.

*Do not take a driving safety course without first obtaining permission from the Court.

*If you are 17 or younger, you must appear in Court with a parent or guardian.

  • You are eligible to request this course if you:

    • You have a valid Non-CDL Texas Driver's License
    • You have been charged with an eligible offense as defined by Texas Transportation Code 45.0511
    • You have not already paid for your fine, which resulted in a final conviction on this case
    • You have evidence of financial responsibility (Liability Insurance) with you listed as a driver
    • You have not taken a Driver's Safety Course to dismiss a traffic ticket in the last 12 months (Calculated from the date of course completion to the date of your current citation)
  • Requirements for Requesting DSC:

    • You must fill out the Driving Safety Course request form and submit the required documents on or before the appearance date on your citation
    • You must enter a plea of Guilty or Nolo Contendere (No Contest)
    • You must provide your valid non-commercial Texas Driver’s License and valid Proof of Insurance with you listed as a driver
    • You must pay the required fee of $144.00, or $169.00 for moving violations occurring in a School Zone

    (Payments are accepted by cash or Money Order, made payable to City of Needville, in person, or by Money Order only by mail.)

  • Ineligible Offenses:

    • Speeding 25 miles per hour or more over the speed limit, or 95 mph or more
    • Any violation occurring in a construction zone with workers present
    • Any of the following violations:
    1.  failure to give information at an accident scene;
    2. leaving the scene of an accident;
    3. fleeing or attempting to elude a police officer;
    4. reckless driving;
    5. passing a school bus;
    6. a serious traffic violation

  • Requirements for Dismissal:

    Once approved for DSC, you must submit the following documents to the Court:

    • You must submit a court copy of a Driving Safety Course completion certificate from a course provider certified by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation.  The certificate must be signed, must have Needville Municipal Court listed at the court, and must be submitted to the court on or before the 90th day indicated on your Driving Safety Course order.
    • You must submit a certified (Type 3A) copy of your driving record from the Texas Department of Public Safety. Your driving record must be submitted to the court on or before the 90th day indicated on your Driving Safety Course order.

    Request by email:

    If you have read all of the above information and meet the eligibility criteria, please follow the instructions below to apply for the DSC via email:

    Items to email to the Court for a DSC request:

    • Photocopy of your current auto liability policy with you listed as a driver
    • Photocopy of your valid Texas Driver’s License
    • State that you are requesting to take defensive driving to resolve your citation. Your request will be processed and you will receive information on how to make your payment.


    Request by Mail:

    If you have read all of the above information and meet the eligibility criteria, please follow the instructions below to apply for the DSC via email:

    Items to mail to the Court for a DSC request:

    • Photocopy of your current auto liability policy with you listed as a driver
    • Photocopy of your valid Texas Driver’s License
    • Your request will be processed and you will receive information on how to make your payment


    City of Needville Municipal Court

    P.O. Box 527

    Needville, TX 77461

    Request in Person:

    Items to bring in to the Court for a DSC request:

    • City of Needville Driving Safety Course Request Form (provided at window)
    • Photocopy of your current auto liability policy with you listed as a driver
    • Photocopy of your valid Texas Driver’s License
    • Payment of $144.00 (or $169.00 if violation occurred in a school zone)

    How do I know I have been approved to take DSC?

    • The Court will notify you by mail or email and will outline the requirements/deadlines for your Driving Safety Course (DSC). You have ninety (90) days to complete the DSC and submit the following documents in person or by mail on or before the 90th day:Course Completion Certificate (Court Copy) with your signature.
    • Copy of your Driving Record (Type 3A) from the Texas Department of Public Safety.
    • Notarized affidavit stating you have not taken the Driving Safety Course within the last 12 months from the date of the current offense.

    Failure to comply with the requirements of your Driving Safety Course order will result in a Show Cause hearing.

    At the Show Cause hearing, the Judge may enter a final judgment and require that the fine and any additional costs required by law be paid in full. If you choose to waive the Driving Safety Course option and Show Cause hearing, you may pay the remaining balance due on or before your 90th day; which will result in a conviction.

  • Helpful Links:

    Find a State Approved Driving Safety Course

    Request Your Type 3A Driving Record

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