Emergency Notice:
click here to view all current emergency notices from the City of Needville, including upcoming lane shifts starting Monday, March 17 and Tuesday, March 18.
Police Department Information
*In the event of an Emergency, dial 911*
The Officers of the City of Needville Police Department, are committed to protecting and serving the citizens of Needville, Texas. The Needville Police Department provides a consistent and non-biased treatment for all citizens. The Needville Police Department will address citizens’ concerns by acknowledgement, assessment and action. This is our highest calling, as we pledge to join hands with others in carrying out our sworn duty to uphold the law.
Non-Emergency Phone -
(979) 793-4255
Fax -
(979) 793-3109
Complaint / Compliment Form -
Download Here
Apply to the Department
Police Department Application
Department Members
Police Department